
【答案】  It was a cold winter day that Sunday

作者 eb/分类 知识竞赛/发布于 2021-07-01


     It was a cold winter day that Sunday. The parking lot to the church was   1   up quickly. I   2   as I got
out of my car that fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked to the   3  .
     As I got closer I saw a man leaning   4   the wall outside the church. He was almost lying down   5   he
was asleep. He had on a long coat that was in   6   and a hat topped his head,   7   down so you couldn't see
his face.
     He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too small for his feet, with   8   all over them, his toes   9   out.
I assumed this man was  10 , and asleep, so I walked on by through the doors of the church.
     We all  11  fellowship for a few minutes, and then someone brought up the man outside. People gossiped,
but no one  12  to ask him to come in, including me. A few moments later church  13 . We were all waiting
for the Preacher (传教士) to take his  14 , and to give us The Word,  15  the doors to the church opened. 
 16  came the homeless man, walking with his head down.
     People whispered and made faces. He made his way and up onto the pulpit. When he took off his hat and
coat my heart  17 . There stood our preacher…he was the "homeless man."
     No one said a word…the room was  18 .
     Then the preacher took his Bible and laid it on the stand. "Folks, I don't think I have to tell you  19  I'm
preaching about today." They he started singing the  20  to this song:
     "If I can help somebody as I pass along, If I can cheer somebody with a word or song.
     If I can show somebody that he's traveling wrong, …"
(     )1. A. filling     
(     )2. A. looked      
(     )3. A. car         
(     )4. A. below       
(     )5. A. even if     
(     )6. A. rags     
(     )7. A. taken       
(     )8. A. scratches   
(     )9. A. stuck       
(     )10. A. careless    
(     )11. A. continued   
(     )12. A. bothered    
(     )13. A. reported    
(     )14. A. turn        
(     )15. A. when        
(     )16. A. Out         
(     )17. A. broke       
(     )18. A. silent      
(     )19. A. where       
(     )20. A. sentences   
B. piling      
B. watched     
B. man         
B. opposite    
B. as if   
B. order       
B. pulled      
B. water       
B. left        
B. stupid      
B. reminded    
B. pretended     
B. stopped   
B. power       
B. before      
B. Away        
B. beat        
B. empty      
B. what        
B. words       
C. picking     
C. observed    
C. church    
C. beyond      
C. in case    
C. pieces      
C. fallen      
C. holes   
C. put         
C. homeless   
C. enjoyed     
C. failed      
C. performed     
C. place       
C. while       
C. In          
C. shocked     
C. smooth      
C. which       
C. phrases     
D. putting    
D. noticed    
D. wall       
D. against    
D. so that    
D. trouble    
D. held       
D. dirt       
D. run        
D. lazy       
D. discussed              
D. happened   
D. began      
D. hat        
D. until      
D. Up         
D. sank       
D. calm       
D. why        
D. expressions


1-5 ADCDB 6-10 ABCAC 11-15 CADCA 16-20 CDABB


考点名称:故事类阅读 故事类阅读概念: 这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。 故事类阅读应试技巧: 1、抓住文章的6个要素: 阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。 2、注意作者的议论和抒情: 高考英语阅读理解故事类文章常伴随着作者思想情感的流露和表达,因此议论和抒情往往夹杂其中。行文时或按事情发生发展的先后时间进行或按事情发生发展的地点来转换,也可能按事情发展的阶段来布局。在引出话题,讲完一件事情后,作者往往会表达个人感悟或提出建议等。这些体现作者观点或思想的语句在阅读时可以划线,它们往往体现文章中心或者写作意图,属于必考点,所以要仔细体会。 3、结合前两点归纳文章中心,把握作者态度: 故事类文章是通过记叙一件事来表达中心思想的,它是文章的灵魂。归纳文章中心思想时,尤其要分析文章的结尾,因为很多文章卒章显志,用简短的议论、抒情揭示文章中心;文章中议论抒情的句子往往与中心密切相关;也有的文章需要在结合概括各段大意的基础上归纳中心。另外,叙述一件事必有其目的,或阐明某一观点,或赞美某种品德,或抨击某种陋习,这就要求我们在阅读时,通过对细节(第1点中的六要素)的理解,把握作者的态度。 4、有章有据进行解题判断: 分析文章,归纳主题,属于分析、概括、综合的表述能力的考查。切忌脱离文章,架空分析,一定让分析在文章中有依据。

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