
【答案】On the first day of my school life in the

作者 eb/分类 知识竞赛/发布于 2021-07-01


On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in my marketing class. My
teacher, Mrs. Tolman, suggested I  __1__  a national marketing club called DECA attracting many
students with talent and interest in  __2__. So I did.    
The first  __3__  was to raise money for the marketing competition later in the year by selling
candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due in a week and that 40 percent of the  __4__ would
go into my personal account.    
At the beginning, I tried to sell some candles to my host mom. She said that if I could   __5__  
confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would certainly buy some. I started my  __6__    
with a firm handshake. Then I introduced all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could
offer and  __7__  her that our candles were the best choices for gifts and home decorations. Finally
she bought three candles.    
Greatly  __8__  I decided to sell my candles around the neighborhood. On Saturday morning, with
great courage, I knocked at the door of my first potential  __9__.    
"I'm a student at Skyline High School and we are __10__  money for DECA. I'm trying to sell…"  
"Not today, sorry, "  the man interrupted me and __11__  the door.    
Embarrassed, I walked away and said to myself the __12__ thing that might happen was being
refused like that again. I couldn't even count how many times I was __13__  with reasons like "Not
today" , "I don't have any __14__ money right now" or "I just bought some". __15__, I had to continue
with the day. __16__, a woman kindly bought nearly  $ 60 worth of candles. I couldn't even hide my 
__17__  and said "Thank you very much" to her with a bow.    
After a  __18__  hard work, I turned in my $408 worth of sales of candles, which gave me $163 in
my own account. I was __19__  to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes.    
It was the first time that I had worked as a sales person. This experience let me know that __20__ 
difficulties was only wasting time and a barrier in my way to success.
(     )1. A. hold          
(     )2. A. business      
(     )3. A. chance        
(     )4. A. income        
(     )5. A. express      
(     )6. A. presentation  
(     )7. A. told          
(     )8. A. puzzled      
(     )9. A. buyer        
(     )10. A. lending      
(     )11. A. opened      
(     )12. A. worst        
(     )13. A. allowed      
(     )14. A. more        
(     )15. A. However      
(     )16. A. So          
(     )17. A. anger        
(     )18. A. week's      
(     )19. A. puzzled      
(     )20.A. overcoming  
B. join          
B. English        
B. way            
B. candles        
B. show          
B. business      
B. convinced      
B. surprised      
B. seller        
B. raising        
B. knocked        
B. uneasy        
B. permitted      
B. extra          
B. So            
B. Secondly      
B. embarrassment  
B. hour's        
B. surprised      
B. dealing with  
C. build        
C. math        
C. challenge  
C. business    
C. make        
C. club        
C. explained    
C. shocked      
C. business man
C. returning    
C. burst into  
C. best        
C. refused      
C. little      
C. Therefore    
C. Firstly      
C. happiness    
C. year's      
C. calm        
C. accepting    
D. set          
D. sports        
D. choice        
D. expense      
D. expect        
D. interest      
D. requested    
D. encouraged    
D. shop keeper  
D. borrowing    
D. shut          
D. unhappiest    
D. demanded      
D. left          
D. For          
D. Finally      
D. sad          
D. month's      
D. lucky        
D. worrying about


1-5: B A C A B  6-10: A B D A B 11-15: D A C B A 16-20: D C A B D


故事类阅读的定义 故事类阅读概念: 这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。 故事类阅读的知识扩展 这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题 往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等 方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。阅读这类材料时,同学们一定要根 据主要情节掌握文章主旨大意,同时抓住每一个细节,设身处地根据文章内容揣摩作者的态度 和意图,根据情节展开想象,即使是碰到深层理解题也可迎刃而解。

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