
【答案】while waiting to enter university

作者 eb/分类 知识竞赛/发布于 2021-07-01

英语翻译 While waiting to enter university,the young man saw a teaching job advertised in a local newspaper; and,though he though his chances of getting the job were slim,he decided to apply.When he arrived at the school for his interview,he sensed in the headmaster an attitude of superiority and disapproval.The interview consisted of a number of questions regarding the young man's education and background.And then he was asked whether or not he attached importance to games as part of a boy's schooling.Obviously his answer was not entirely satisfactory to the headmaster.In spite of the fact that he and the headmaster had little in common in their views on education,the young man was told that he would be hired.However,at a salary of only twelve pounds per week and with the prospect of having to work under the headmaster's wife,the teaching post had become quite undesirable. 正当在等着进入大学的时候,一个年轻人看到了当地报纸上招聘教师的广告,虽然得到这份工作的机会很小,他决定申请一下.当他去学校面试时,他感觉校长的态度是高高在上并不同意.面试涉及到了关于年轻人教育和背景的一些问题.随后他被问到游戏作为儿童学校生活一部分的重要性.很明显他的答案没有让校长满意.尽管他和校长在教育上没有太多的共同点,年轻人被告知他被录用了.然而,以每周12磅的工资并且在校长妻子手下工作前景来看,助教变得非常不乐观.

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